Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Pearl Harbour

USS Bowfin, Pearl Harbour Memorial - B. O'Rourke 2016
Having been to Pearl Harbour as a child it was a wish of mine to go back again as an adult and experience the historic site with different eyes and attempt to gain a better understanding of what happened in this crucial moment during World War II history. Prior to the USS Arizona Memorial tour we were shown a briefing video that explained the history behind Pearl Harbour and the reasons for the attack. This set a sombre mood. We went on ferry that took us out to the USS Arizona Memorial where a visual perspective could be gained of the sheer size of the sunken vessel. We let our eyes fall upon the thousands of names up on the wall in the memorial.

Name wall, U.S.S. Arizona Memorial - B. O'Rourke 2016
 It was an eery feeling to see that the vessel to this day still leaks fuel which can be seen at the surface. Standing out there that day we contemplated and reflected upon what had happened there many years ago.

Leaking fuel, U.S.S. Arizona Memorial - B. O'Rourke 2016

Gun turrets above surface, U.S.S. Arizona Memorial - B. O'Rourke 2016

Following the ferry out to the USS Arizona Memorial we were able to look one of the anchors of the vessel and again be in awe of the size.

Anchor on display, U.S.S. Arizona Memorial - B. O'Rourke 2016
We continued to walk around Pearl Harbour looking at some of the other monuments which included weaponry and the USS Bowfin submarine all with a hope to gain a better understand of the events of Pearl Harbour.

A gun turret used during WWII, Pearl Harbour Memorial - B. O'Rourke 2016
After visualising what a large impact this had we were reminded of how lucky Australia truly was in the time of the Second World War, not to have such destruction impact upon us as a nation. 

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